Saturday, August 10, 2013

New work space in progress...

As we have a TINY flat with four of us squished in there, my beloved decided I should have a GIANT wardrobe cupboard for all my 'crap'. 
And it was free from the neighbour who was going to burn it!
This resulted in a new improved, but minute workspace, as it is in our bedroom and I have to maneuver my way to bed at night..
But I'm happy for now...

Paper Flower Bouquet

I felt like some flowers in the house the other day,'s winter, so alas no real ones to be found at my house, so I made some paper ones!
They are made from florist paper and bamboo skewers...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Now listed in my shop at

More hemp/jute sewing in the form of a bag. Not sure what to do with it yet (tempted to keep...  but no, have dozens of bags already!)
Possible Franz Market Day stock, or may end up at Okarito Nature Tours....

new projects and shop

I've been doing a little bit of sewing recently with some jute/coffee sacks, with quite good results.... having trouble attaching any more photos, but the purse above (and more!) is now for sale at Matchbox Studios, Cuba Street, Wellington!
Also have turned some of my card/patch images into stickers, which was quite fun...
Bit slack on the blogging front however; life and everything gets in the way you know?  Off on holiday to Nelson soon where I hope to have amazing creative inspiration and also remember my youth at art school there...
How life has changed!!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

This bag was commissioned from a friend of mine and I was really pleased with how it turned out, would be my best so far! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Friends and Flowers


 A friend gave me some beautiful sweet peas out of her amazing garden yesterday, so thought they were worthy of a pic.
Have been very slack lately on the blogging front, 
hope to keep it up regularly now!

A friend of mine is getting married on Friday at the lake down the road, and so we all have been crocheting up a storm in an effort to create some unique and wonderful bouquets.  I have had the job of sorting them out and fixing them up with some 'stems', which i made from straws with bamboo skewers inside for some stability.  Today we will wrap this lot up with some beautiful fabric for her bouquet, and the other two smaller ones i will crochet around all the stems and tidy up.