Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fibre Fungi's I - III

Pics of 'Fibre Fungis' which will be at The Left Bank Gallery,
Greymouth,  from next weekend until the end of May.  All are crocheted embroidery cotton over wire.
There is actually a fourth one, which was my favourite as it was a bit oblong shaped and had quite different sizes 'holes'.  I was making it the night before I had to drive to Greymouth, so I didn't get around to photographing it!  Slack artist, I know, but I also know that the gallery will take pics of them all too...! 
Toothache past few days so not much in the way of creating happening, let alone anything else...  big storm tonight which is pretty exciting as it has been a year or so since we had one.  xoxo

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Family Forest Walk

We went for a nice little walk the other day into the bush across the road from our house...... Had lots of ideas of a Forest Fairy birthday party here!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Shop

I now have a new shop on Etsy! I'm pretty excited.  You can have a look over to the right where it says Chilligirl Shop... Here are a few previews of what I have there...

I have been making a few bags this week, which has been loads of fun.  Have had to restrain myself somewhat from keeping them all... I have alot already, but somehow I have been making myself one out of my baby blanket - it's NZ wool in multicoloured pastels (if your'e a NZ'er you'll know the one!).
Another beautiful day although getting colder at night and mornings. 
Have been reading a great novel by a NZ author, Sarah Laing, called 'Dead Peoples Music'.  I'm finding it quite inspiring, as it's of course about music.  I have been concentrating all my spare time (and not spare time!) on my art and craft work, that I miss my guitar.  Hopefully one day soon I will have time for both!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Somehow I came upon this blog from Emma Ruth, I think it was from the latest Frankie Magazine newsletter.  She stitches one word a day, and in a graphically awesome way  - you can see it here. I think she is up to something like 80 days...
Raining...  finally!!  Although I was enjoying the beautiful days don't get me wrong.  Baby asleep. Husband and daughter having a 'shed' day building stuff.  Might get time to finish crocheting my basket fungi! Oh no, child is here demanding morning tea. Damn.  Ka kite ano (see ya!)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Giveaway Winner

Busy busy day today with the Fox Glacier  Big Day Out (somewhat unlike the other event of the same name!) where the kids and I went for a 5km walk(mostly both kids in the buggy) followed by a full on 4 year old girlfriend of R's  birthday party.  I did draw the giveaway yesterday, the winner was Tom Arnold of Christchurch, who (hopefully) got my facebook message about it!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


The Okarito Market Day; Summer Harvest was a huge success for me, and a beautiful day full of friends and kids and sun!  Thanks to everyone for their support and great feedback, much appreciated.
Don't forget I'm drawing the giveaway on Friday - so leave a comment or sign up to my blog to be in to win a brooch by Chilligirl (aka me!)
I am now working on a group Fibre Art exhibition, to be held at The Left Bank Gallery, Greymouth, next month - called The F Word.  Not quite sure what I'm going to do yet but I was watching David Attenbourough the other night and fell in love with basket fungi - thought I might try crocheting it with some jewellery copper wire my brother got me from Wellington.  Will post pics if it works!